Saturday Morning Girls Program
sponsored by
Our New Saturday Program starts January 2024
The Girls Saturday morning program sponsored by KPMG runs from January to May (8.30am to 9.30am) at the Camana Bay Sports Complex. Phil Thompson and his hard working team of volunteer coaches assist with the natural development of the girls who are aged between 5 and 10
The program costs $210ci for the 15 week block with each child receiving a training kit. For more information please e-mail
A big thank you to the following coaches and players for helping out with this program.
Gisela Gamba, Noel Kane, Justin Pierre, Ian Lomas, Alan Purvis, Jonathan Turnham, Kinsey Joiner, Chad Van Cleve, Sofia Watler, Riley Doyle, Kayla and Ciara Bradley, and Shayana Windsor.